United Airlines | 2018

Self-service Rebooking

The task

Redesign the self-service “rebooking kiosks” located at United airport gates, thereby decreasing customer dependence on live airport agents and call/contact centers.

Old kiosk Flight Options page

New kiosk Flight Options page

My role

Long lines: The need to update self-service rebooking

When flights are delayed or canceled, United customers can rebook their reservations themselves by using the mobile app, a web browser, or one of the airport kiosks located in the terminal. But even with so many options, in 2019, these self-service methods only accounted for 11% of total rebookings. Customers were relying heavily on agents and contact centers. 

On days of irregular operations at the airport, this translated to long lines, long wait times, and a lot of frustration. And yet, a study by the company’s business team found that 50-70% of customers who waited in line at the service desk could have actually rebooked themselves. So, why didn’t they?

Understanding customer dependence on live agents

To learn more, my team and I visited O’Hare Airport on a busy summer day in 2019 when heavy thunderstorms disrupted air traffic.

This is what we discovered:

Making a decision to zero in on the self-service kiosks

Needless to say, our airport observations uncovered so many big issues that discouraged customers from rebooking their flights with United’s self-service methods. To mitigate all of them, we’d need a large team and a lot of resources. The business team took our recommendation to heart and began planning a business case to reimagine the overall experience for customers needing to rebook. But my team and I hypothesized that, in the meantime, we could still improve the user experience of the rebooking application. 

When we began the project in the fall of 2019, United was in the process of replatforming its app and website. We had no choice but to zone in on the self-service rebooking kiosks. We didn’t know much about them. Data from the business team was unclear, but we did learn that only 16% of customers who began a rebooking on the kiosk actually completed the transaction. The best-case scenario was that customers were opening the kiosk application only to discover that their automatic rebooking actually was the best option for getting to their destination. But we hypothesized that this kind of positive experience was rare.

The first design

Our first prototype involved some low-hanging-fruit updates to copy, but mostly it consisted of a baseline usability test of the existing kiosk rebooking application. We made no functional or flow changes, instead keeping the four rebooking options offered at the existing kiosk:

Rebooking options:

Testing it, we began to identify the biggest pain points:

The second attempt

Because of the confusion surrounding the above flow, our second prototype completely overhauled the navigation and decision tree. We thought about how live agents help customers: they give the customer all of her options up front and allow her to make decisions based on her individual needs. We tried to emulate this with our second design. We extracted the four rebooking options from the flow and put them on the front screen. This also separated standby options from the flights with available seats, which we hoped would lead to less confusion.

Rebooking options:

This design also failed:

Third time's a charm

Our first and second prototypes had been created specifically for the legacy kiosks located at airport customer service centers. However, when it came time for us to take our third stab at the redesign, another team at United had just begun a project to innovate the company’s airport gates. (Read about my involvement here.) They envisioned new kiosk devices to be located at each gate, but they weren’t sure what purpose they’d serve. We stepped in, designing our third prototype for the new device’s ratio and with an updated visual look. 

In terms of strategy, we decided that since an agent wouldn’t be on hand to answer questions, the kiosk needs to help the user make decisions. In every rebooking case, no matter what, a customer needs to confirm themselves on a flight with available seats. Our new flow makes them do this first, then think about adding a standby option, which is now an advanced feature.

Rebooking options:

Our third prototype tested well. We needed to make small adjustments to copy, but overall, we were ready to socialize the design across the organization.


Overall, we knew we’d created a more streamlined and valuable tool for customers, and we were excited to implement it. It was scheduled to be released as part of a 2020 “Gate Innovation” proof of concept at O’Hare, with the new rebooking flow then translated to the app, the website, and ultimately, to the customer service centers of the future. 

And then the 2020 coronavirus pandemic put our project on hold. The travel industry—and United itself—faced new, urgent challenges. I had to pivot and I had to do it fast. After having invested so much time and thought into United’s kiosks, I began asking myself, “How can we make them touchless?”